The Power of BIM for Engineers
Use the Power of BIM to efficiently design, coordinate and collaborate with the project team to produce coordinated Design Documentation. Here is how we define BIM for Engineers
What is BIM?
BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a 3D Model-based collaborative process. BIM enables Project teams to collaborate and work together to achieve project objectives. These objectives may be reducing construction costs, and producing clash-free Models and well coordinated Construction Documents and Shop Drawings. Learn more about what is bim. Coordination and Clash detection enable the resolution of issues before the construction starts.
BIM for Structural Engineers
Optimize your design process and speed up project delivery with BIM. Produce coordinated construction documentation and fabrication drawings, and get accurate quantity takeoffs in less time. With BIM, making changes and revisions is both faster and easier.
BIM for MEPF Engineers
BIM helps MEPF Engineers Design and Produce accurate Construction Documentation and fabrication drawings faster. Coordinate and identify Clashes before construction on the site. Faster and accurate Quantity takeoff helps you produce accurate Cost Estimates.
How Bimsrv Helps MEPF Engineers Use BIM
Bimsrv can start on your project from the very early schematic stage. This helps you optimize your design for faster efficiency. Analyse Design and produce energy efficient Green buildings faster. Our deliverables include:
- Ensure compliance with BEP (BIM Execution Plan)
- Develop MEPF Models as defined by the BEP
- Use BIM Models for analysis to help designers optimize design
- Green Building Analysis to produce energy-efficient MEPF systems.
- MEPF Design Documentation
- Fabrication and Shop Drawings